笑话1:西兰花说:“我像一棵小树”;香菇说:“我像把小伞”;核桃说:“我像大脑”;香蕉说:“我们换个话题吧?”笑话2:five months olderthe second world war had begun, and john wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. so when the army d
笑话1:儿子看动画片太投入,周未从早上看到中午,俩眼皮直打架,就对他说:“瞧你困的,赶紧去睡会儿。”儿子说:“我不困,我要再看会儿。”说完,没忍住打了个哈欠,然后赶紧给自己解释:“妈妈,我真的不困,这只是个意外。”不着调精彩笑话故事(二)笑话2:be careful what you wish fora couple had been married for
笑话1:两个妻管严聊天,a说:听说现在块是红色的了。b说:又听谁瞎说呢,我老婆说了,中国现在面值最大的人民币是5块,紫色的。篇二:开心一刻家庭笑话故事笑话2:“炎”对“毯”说:“姐儿们,这么热的天咋还穿着翻毛大衣呢?”笑话3:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket