笑话1:西兰花说:“我像一棵小树”;香菇说:“我像把小伞”;核桃说:“我像大脑”;香蕉说:“我们换个话题吧?”笑话2:five months olderthe second world war had begun, and john wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. so when the army d
笑话1:说一农民赶牛车进城被警察拦下,理由是没有车牌,农民找来一块破木板写一牌挂上,警察看后立刻晕倒,牌上写:牛x-。笑话2:老师:小明,如果你长大了失恋了之后怎么办?小明:我失恋了就老老实实回媳妇身边。老师:滚出去……笑话3:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive lock
笑话1:小明上学天天逃课,快考试了想去教室复习。。。老师问小明:你找谁?小明尴尬的说走错了,转身又去网吧了!笑话2:be careful what you wish fora couple had been married for 25 years and were celebrating their 60th birthdays, which fell on the same day.during the celebration a fairy appeared and said th
笑话1:记者:你幸福吗?尔康:我姓福。记者:你满足吗?尔康:我满族。记者:你为什么幸福?尔康:因为我爹姓福啊……记者:为什么你爹爹幸福你就幸福?尔康:这个,这个,因为是亲生的啊……笑话2:ground rulesone of my favorite teachers at southeast missouri state university in cape girardeau was known of his drol
笑话1:员工:“老板,请个假。”老板:“干嘛去?”员工:“我女朋友怀孕了我要陪她去打胎! ”老板:“挺好的事儿,干嘛要打了,留着吧! ”员工:“等她下回怀上我的,我一定留着! ”老板。。。超短的极品笑话故事【2】笑话2:一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是狐狸精。笑话3:midway tacticsthree competing store owners rented a